Employee Portal
Welcome to Your 24/7 Employee Portal. Locate your employer from the drop down menu above and click on the link. This will provide you access to your company's Employee Portal. To protect client confidentiality, your employer's name is not listed. Please click on your employer's street address from the Employee Portal Drop Down Menu. For access, you will need your company's designated password. You may contact your onsite manager and/or contact human resources at 909-782-7969. Your company designated password will only work for your specific employer.
For subscription clients, please click on the "subscription" link to access the 24/7 forms library. A login will be required.
You may also contact your human resource manager, listed below.
Angelina Rossi, PHR, SHRM-CP
PHONE: 909-782-7969 | FAX: 909-524-4815
EMAIL: hr@rossigrouphrcs.com
YOUR HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT is here to serve you and it is our pleasure to provide you with effective and efficient service to meet your needs. Your calls and emails are always welcomed and encouraged!
I look forwarded to assisting you. - Angelina